Thursday, August 4, 2011

Alambana awaits

They were true to their word, in the form of something they referred to as a “path companion”.  I was summoned once again to the Waking Sands to speak with several other adventurers who had “awakened” in order to figure out who might compliment my skills best.
It was a Mi’qote gladiator who found me.  She was decked out in chainmail from neck to ankle, a sturdy metal helm adorned her head, grand gauntlets on her arms.  Her boots clanked announcing her presence.  I bowed in greeting as she stopped before me.

“Well, hello there.  I would apologize, but you know what they say—good things come to those who wait.  Better still, it does wonders for the appetite!”

“Does it?  I suppose that is so.  My name is Amrita, I am training conjuror presently.”

“Oooh… yes!  Now we’re role-playing!”

“I beg your pardon?”

She grinned and turned to Tataru.

“Lady Tataru, be certain to mark that name in your books.  In red, I think!”

“My name?”

Our names.  Amrita and Alambana, of course.  Conjuror and Gladiator.  Mmmm.  And now that we’ve put the pleasantries to bed, I think it’s high time we got to know each other a lot better.  How about you show me what lies beneath?”

“Beneath… “

The way she eyed my robes, I wondered at just what she meant by that statement.

“Well I was drawn to Gridania and then here with the feeling of seva in my heart.  I want to help others—“

“So an adventurer?  How fascinating.  I simply must know more about you.  Ah, but not here.  It would be better if we went somewhere…  more public.  Now that we are companions, I want people to know that you are mine…”

I cocked a brow at her, but she continued unperturbed and requested that we meet at the Quicksand after she had made herself more presentable.  Just what had I gotten myself into, now?

“Meanwhile, you can decide which of your most intimate secrets you’d like to volunteer, and which you’d prefer me to squeeze out of you!”

I bid her farewell and took my time getting to the Quicksand.  What intimate secrets did I have?  It seemed to me that things of that nature only began happening after I left the hermitage.
That is what I spoke of once we met up at the Quicksand.  As it turned out she had had similar experiences.  She seemed sure we were destined to journey together.  I still privately wished that my sister could come and take her place, but why would the Twelve cause us two to cross paths if not for some divine purpose.  It was then that she finally uttered something that caused me to feel bound to her.

“Ever since the gods reached down from the boundless heavens and laid their hands upon my soul, not a day has gone by that I haven’t asked myself, why me and not someone else?  But then, I remembered they were gods, and gods are all-knowing.  If they believe I can wield this power in a just and goodly fashion, who am I to question their divine judgment?”

“Aye, that is a good point you make.”

“Now, if they had only thought it pertinent to tell me how I am to wield this power…  But then again, if they did not work in mysterious ways, they wouldn’t be gods now, would they?  In short—let’s not worry ourselves about it.  We’ve been chosen.  Why fight it.”

“Yes, of course.  We must surrender to that higher will, that true Self.”

“…A very wise choice.  I’m sure we’re going to have a lot of fun together.  In fact, I guarantee it.”

After that we parted ways.  She told me if I ever feel lost, to try the linkpearl given to me by Tataru.  Then she added something somewhat odd… that if I can’t reach her she may be indisposed.  Perhaps I ought to teach her a method I know, a sequence of five asana that could perhaps aid with what I supposed she was eluding to.  She then insisted that the time we spend apart makes the time we spend together that much more special.
Such a statement coming from someone I had just met seemed odd, but the truth of it was undeniable.  Had I taken my sister for granted?  I couldn’t remember a time when we were truly apart in my entire life, until now. And though her visit was brief, I treasured it more because we had been apart.
Perhaps this time apart from her, from my family, is needed for me to truly realize the depth of my love for them.  I sat a moment longer, closing out the noise of the Quicksand.  Delving into my inner sanctum of silence, to my inner light.  Quietly I sent out love and peace to the universe.  Light and love to you always Kaumari, where ever we may be.

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