Friday, August 12, 2011

World Tour

I had offered to head up an official Linkshell outing, we called it World Tour.  The plan was to start in Ul’dah and roam the realm visiting as many different encampments as we could.
Several of us gathered together at the camp closest to Ul’dah and D began handing out straw hats that he had crafted with his own two hands! ^^  I was excited about the item, Diajin seemed less so.

<Diajin> I look funny with this hat.

<Dude> That’s the point, we all do!

<Amrita> Did you make a hat for everybody, D?

<Dude> Yeah.

<Patootie> All right! It’s a party!  Now everytime we get to a camp, you have to take a shot.

D handed a hat to Valodya, who had just arrived.

<Dude> So you don’t get sunburn.

<Valodya> Thanks..?

<Patootie> So where should we start?

<Amrita> We can either go East or West.

<Dude> Lets go East first.

<Mercos> What’s with the hat? I can’t use this…

<Dude> Yes you can, put it on for the exploration.

We all giggled and set off, all of us donning the matching hats!

We headed East, and encountered our first problem of the evening…  Inferno Drakes!!
I wasn’t sure if I could sneak past them.  D offered to get their attention and run as far as he could while trying to not get knocked out.  His crazy plan worked and we all were able to make it to Four Sisters! :D

On the way out of the area, I did manage to sneak past the Drakes on my own, but there were other monsters near by.  Luckily I found a patch of tall grass to hide in momentarily.

Next we all managed to safely get to Cactus Basin. ^_^

After that we made a mad dash to Sandgate, which was also surrounded by Drakes!  We rested there for a moment, trying to plan how to safely get away.

<Dude> Where to next?

<Amrita> Lessee… To the burning wall?  So… let’s try going North?

<Valodya> Oooh a cave!

<Amrita> Want to look inside?

<Dude> Ok!

<Amrita> Ohh a Sabotender Del Sol!

We emerged from the cave and took a look around, trying to decide what path to take to the next camp.  I spotted a Puroboros in the distance.  We managed to escape it and get to Burning Wall.  On the way we explored what we supposed was some sort of dock for flying ships.  Sometimes I could see them way up in the sky, but never had I seen one land.  I wondered where they were off to all the time.

From the Burning Wall we headed into the Black Shroud where we met up with Baby.  Immediately Dude made a hat for her!^^

We then made the trek to Longroot together…

The evening wound down after that.  I did receive a word of warning about a great evil within the forest, which reminded me of the greater task at hand.  It would be much harder to face such threats without fun time spent with friends.