Monday, May 23, 2011

Waking Sands Awakening


Grinning with the thought that perhaps the mammet’s numerical message had meant that I could be a beacon of light and meaning to all living beings, I made my way to the Merchant Wards to see what information I could glean.
First I spoke with Nonoru.

“As of late, our guild has seen many newly woken adventurers pass through its doors, and each day seems to bring more.

“Oh?  Why do you suppose that is?”

“I first thought the sudden influx might have had something to do with the Fall of the Keeper, ten summers past.  However, after speaking with several of those newly come to the Path, I now believe I may have been mistaken.”

“I see…”

I strolled over to a Miqo’te standing nearby.  She introduced herself as Sahja.

“Those who walk the Path of the Twelve do so in the hope of apprehending not only the mysteries of the benevolent deities, but also the secrets of their own souls.”

I smiled and nodded.  Perhaps my first impressions of Ul’dah as a town driven by greed, false dreams and loose woman was made in haste.

“If it is truth you seek, then to you our doors shall remain ever open.”

“That I do.  Thank you Sahja.”

I continued to make my way through the corridor until I came upon a Lalafel who stopped me.

“And who might you be?  Nenekani never forgets a face, and yours is one I am quite certain I would remember.  This must, I conclude, be your first time in the Waking Sands.”

“Yes, that is corrrrect.”

“Then I assume Lady Minfilia will be wanting to speak to you of your awakening.”

“I… would assume the same.”

“Very well, I shall waste no more of your and the Lady’s time with my idle ramblings.  You will find the Antecedent in the Hall of the First Step.”

“Thank you.”

I didn’t head straight to the Hall, though.  There were several people milling about and I felt compelled to approach them.  I was first stopped by someone who appeared to be in their seventies.

“I beg of you, milady- you must help me.  I am far too old to fight them on my own.”

“Peace, peace.  It is my privilege to serve, fret not.”

I next approached a Mi’qote carrying a foreboding-looking axe.

“Leave me be, wanderer.  I have much to deliberate, and there are some paths one must walk alone.”

“Sorry to bother…”

I bowed and walked away.  Her words caused me to think of my sister.  How I imagined we would be forever side by side to face anything.  Yet here I was walking this path alone…
I wandered the halls listening to the thoughts bouncing about in my mind until I came upon a man.

“For a man such as myself, the Waking Sands is a Twelevesend.  Here, I need not don my merchant’s mask, knowing that none will judge me by my station, but only by my desire to pursue the truth.”

I smiled and nodded.  This was the respite for the bustling city, indeed.  I wished Kaumari had visited here before her hasty departure.  Perhaps this place could be a surrogate to the hermitage.
Or perhaps not, the next person I spoke with wanted nothing more than to “lay low the imperials out there”.  I sighed, I was not particularly fond of battle.  Though, I understand sometimes it is necessary.
Next I approached a hulking Roegadyn.  He looked formidable with his dark coloring and gladiator armor.

“I’ve not woken, and therefore cannot hear the Echo as do the others on the Path.  Yet I’ll not let that prevent me from setting off on my own search for the truth.  You see, when the Empire assaulted Ala Mhigo, I alone of all my family was spared, and I consider it my life’s duty to return peace to the realm they loved, and I love still.”

“That is a noble cause you have.  I think, as long as you let truth lead you and not vengeance, you will find your way all right.”

Not yet ready to visit with Minfilia I continued strolling until I came upon a couple, both wearing hooded robes.  The woman looked at me curiously before speaking.

“You saw one, didn’t you?”

“Saw one what?”

“A starshower.  I can tell from the sparkle left in your eyes.”

“Oh, aye, I suppose I did... see one…”

“It is said that starshowers affect no two people the same.  Yet none can deny their power to move the hearts of all.”

I nodded.  Something surely had happened that night I saw what this women called a starshower.
The fellow standing beside her piped up.

“New recruit, eh?  All the whispers and sidelong glances pricklin’ ye like knives, I bet.”
I shrugged.

“Well don’t go takin’ such petty discourtesies to heart.  ‘Tis the same greeting every wanderer newly come to the Path receives.  Once you’ve spoken with Minfilia, ye’ll be one of us, and before ye know it, it’ll be you who’ll need remindin’ of her manners.”

“I should hope I am always able to maintain my manner, sir.”

The two smiled and I decided I should dally no longer and went to the Hall of the First Step. 
Minfilia was seated behind a large desk.

“You must be the woman of whom the hermit spoke.  As you may have heard, I have many questions.  Ah, but I seem to have forgotten my courtesies.  Please forgive me.  My name is Minfilia, acting Antecedent of the Path of the Twelve.”

Until I arrived at the Waking Sands, I hadn’t heard of such a… group.  I quietly listened as Minfilia regarded my expression.  She went on to explain that it is an underground organization dedicated to the documentation and research of divine intervention.
This news was quite intriguing, as I felt I knew something of the divine.

“I shall not bother to elaborate on precisely what I mean by “divine intervention”, for I believe you have already experienced that phenomenon yourself.”

I nodded, thinking of what happened at the cleansing rite.

“You have a rare and special gift, Amrita Prakriti, and it is that gift that has led you here to us.”

“I see…”

Not a moment after I uttered those words to her there was something to be seen.  A flash… and suddenly beside us was the Hermit!  I touched my finger to my forehead, perplexed by the sudden apparition.

“I reckon I’ve found me another woken, Minfilia.  The lass collapsed during the celebration.”

“After years of naught but rumors, the past several moons have seen the hill of reports on my desk grow into a veritable mountain.  Why the sudden influx?  And why now, of all times?  Which of the Twelve is waking men anew?  Which…  if any at all?”

It was then that the Hermit seemed shocked.

“How did you--  But you’re supposed to be--  Oh…”

“It seems you have a keen eye, my friend.  And it seems you have passed our test.”

“Test..?  Tell me Minfilia, how I just saw you two speaking when…”

“Yes, yes, you are wondering how what you just witnessed-- a conversation between myself and the hermit of the wood—is even possible, considering the fact that one of the involved persons left the Waking Sands nearly a bell ago.”

“Aye, that is what I want to know.”

“Well that, Amrita, is your gift.  And I shall go one step further by suggesting that this is not the first time you have had such an experience.”

I drew in a long slow breath, thinking back and wondering just what all this meant.

“Come now, it is not, is it?  Oh you need not withhold your secrets from me.  Here, you are among friends, and I give you my solemn word that no harm shall befall you.  However, it might still prove prudent to refrain from informing those not on the Path of your awakening.  Very few will understand this gift, but many will seek to judge you for possessing it.”

Immediately I thought of my sister…  She would be the one I would want to tell, but if she misunderstood, what then?  I did not want a repeat of the day I left the hermitage.  My heart ached merely allowing myself to remember that exchange.  Furthermore, how would I even explain it.

“What…  is there a name for this gift?

“It is a rare talent which we have come to refer to as “the Echo.”  We believe it is in some way connected to the strange phenomena which have been occurring in locations all about Eorzea.”

“Hmm… the Echo…”

“Were you not witness to the skies turning dark and showering the land with a storm of stars?  Some of our brothers believe those who partook in this celestial event were “touched” by the Twelve, and that that is how they came by their gift.”

I clasped my hands together on my chest.  So it happened after I came here, but what then, caused me to seek out Gridania in the first place if I had not had this Echo beforehand? 
Minfilia was still speaking.

“The Path is not only a place for study, but a refuge for those who have been touched in some way.  We aim to uncover the meaning behind these unexplained events while offering protection and guidance to those who hear the Echo.  But that is not all.  My fellow walkers and I share the firm belief that this power was given to us for a purpose.  Why entrust man with a gift so extraordinary, after all, if not to have him use it?”

“Well… I suppose it would all depend on how we used it…  It should not be used for selfish gain, but selfless actions.”

“Yes.  And so we offer those who have been touched the means to use their power to better the world—to bring peace to Eorzea.  So, what say you Amrita?  Now that you have heard who we are, and what we are trying to accomplish, will you consider joining us?”

“Well this is quite a lot to think about, what you have just told me…”

“Ah, I beg your pardon.  It was not my intention to force you into making a decision without allowing you time to consider my words.  You are free to explore the building and speak with the others gathered here.  When you feel ready to answer my question, visit me again in the Hall of the First Step.”

I nodded and turned to walk out…  But I had already spoken to those gathered.  Wasn’t my intention for leaving my family to serve more people in the first place?  This seemed exactly the reason for leaving home.  Exactly what I had been looking for, yet I was about to walk away and do what?  Tell my sister, my parents?  The longer I thought, the more silly that notion became.  Why wait when there was a woman behind me offering me seva.  As much as I wanted to run off and tell Kaumari, and ask her to join me, I already knew in my heart she would say no.  With a deep sigh I pressed my palm to my heart, turned and nodded to Minfilia.

“I will join you, Minfilia.”

She clapped her hands together and smiled.

“Very good.  I pray together we can learn more of this gift…  for though we have scoured the realm for nigh on ten years, I fear there is still little we understand.  Scores of men and women have passed through our doors looking to find answers, and scores have embarked on quests to do just that… but their efforts have gained us little…  and many have not returned.  Of those few who have… not one is willing to speak of what he saw at the end of the Path.  It is as if they all bore witness to a truth too terrible… or too shameful to be told.”

Now I wondered, did my parents poses such a gift?  They always seemed reluctant to speak at length about their lives before coming to live in the wood.

“There are those who would have me use the Echo to delve into the past of the returned.  Yet it would be wrong of me to use my gift to tear that truth from them against their will.  Were I to condone such an act of violation, we would be no better than the monsters people think us already.”

Monsters?  I suppose those with abilities beyond that of the masses would tend to be feared.  People fear what they do not know.  Fear begets anger…and so on.  It was becoming more clear why I mustn't speak of this Echo to others.  Minfinia seemed to take my silence as uncertainty.

“Ah, but enough talk of the knowledge we lack.  Let me tell you of what we do know.”

“Please do.”

“The Echo allows you to breach the wall of a person’s soul, and hear the resonations of their past.  You will be there in their memories, seeing things as they saw them.  You may even interact with that which lies therein.  However, the past is like a stone tablet.  You cannot uncarve what is already written.  As an unexpected side effect of the gift, it seems the ability to reach into the soul of another also allows some of us to understand their words without having to comprehend the sounds they utter.  In short, the Echo has granted these fortunate souls mastery of every language existing on Hydaelyn.  Unfortunately, that is the sum of our understanding of this gift from the gods…  Why, we are not even sure the gift is from the Twelve.  It is certainly true that many of those who hear the Echo also claim to have witnessed starshowers, but who is to say that even the starshowers are sent by them?”

“But of not from the Twelve then..?”

It is a sad admission, but this very lack of knowledge accounts for much of the persecution faced by our walkers.  The less that is known about something, the more it is distrusted by the masses.  If we were to learn more of the Echo, perhaps we could educate people, and help them to realize that we mean them no harm…  But until we have learned that which we must teach them, we can expect only hatred.”

“Yes… that is—“

Before I could finish my thought, a Lalafel came in asking if I had made my decision.  Minfilia confirmed that I had and the Lalafel requested that I go with her so that she could add my name to their records.

“I do not believe we were properly introduced.  My name is Tataru, and I have been charged with the keeping of our guild’s annals.  As you have pledged to follow the Path of the Twelve with us, I shall add your name to the List of Walkers.  From this day forth, you need no longer to wander the realm alone, Amrita Prakriti.  You are our sworn sister, and we will not let you stray from the Path.”

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Meaning of Life?

I traveled to Ul’dah to find out just what I owed to the bill paying stranger.  Though I wasn’t quite sure how to find them…  I visited the different booths.  Surely the twelve would issue forth a sign as to what I should do next.

“Welcome to the Platinum Mirage, where the sands turn to gil!  Are you feeling lucky this evening, friend?  Come, and receive a free reading from our mammet here.”

I studied the mammet… Why did this seem familiar? 

“All right.  Hello, mammet.  What would you read for me?”

“Reading…  Moon phase…
Star lines… Guardian favor…
A moment, please.
A moment, please.
The answere is…
…….. 42.”

I wrinkled up my nose, confused, and slowly wandered away.  Absorbed in my confusion, I didn’t see the leader of my linkshell.

“What’s up Amrita!”

“Huh—Oh Hi D!”

“You seem vexed.”

“Well… you see I was just told…  That mammet over there gave me a reading, which was 42….”

“In the Hitchhikers Guide to the Galexy 42 is the meaning of life.”


I tapped my finger to my chin.  D made less sense than that Mammet…

“Hey, what is your physical level?”

“Oh let’s see … *gasp* It’s 42!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  So what just happened here is…. Have I just been told I am the meaning of life?!?!  What an epic day I am having! ^^
I shall now renounce any further training so that my physical level remains unchanged, at 42, and I can remain a beacon of light and meaning to all living beings!”

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Divine Hermitage Delay

Beloved Sister Sri Kaumariji,

Unfortunately I will not be able to pay a visit to our parents’ divine hermitage. My presence is needed in one of the other cities, Ul’dah to be exact. While I am not entirely certain why I am being beckoned there, I feel I must go. I witnessed something very peculiar at the cleansing rites in Gridania. Strange things are afoot, dear sister. I made mention of what happened to my friend, Bodhisattva, and he agreed that my fate lies in Ul’dah.

I do apologize and I am sure you and our parents will forgive me for this choice. We are on different paths… It is as if we have climbed a wall together and found an amazing garden on the other side. A garden with the most delectable fruits and vegetables. But after we helped each other to climb, you have chosen to be in the garden, while instead, I am waiting on the wall. How else will anybody be able to find the most beautiful and amazing garden in the world?

Though it pains me to admit this to you, I am scared.
I know that whatever I am getting myself mixed up with bodes ill. I can only hope I am not made to do it alone.
I greatly miss your company and that of our blessed parents.
All my love to all of you.

Hari Om Tat Sat


Cleansing Rites Catastrophe?

Apparently I had “dropped like a rock” during the cleansing rites. Finding myself in a strange place in a bed, no less, lent truth to this statement. I had no recollection of how I got there. The last thing I remembered was seeing something strangely amazing in the sky, and then---

I rubbed my temples as I sat up and blinked the woman speaking to me into focus. Miss Miounne. Why would she be at my bedside..?

She was rambling on about a stranger who paid my bill…

He did a lot more for you by the looks of it. You may want to thank him when you are feeling up to it. He asked that I give you a message, as well. He said that if you happen to find yourself in Ul’dah, you should pay a visit to the Waking Sands in the Merchants Ward. I suggest you heed his advice once you’ve grown a bit more experienced. I’d say once you are able to find work at the guilds you’ll be more than ready for whatever might await you there. Now just you take care, alright?”
I nodded and she got up and left. 
At least my woodsin had been banished during the rites.
Now the question on my mind was… do I go visit my family at their Divine Hermitage first, or head to Ul’dah to meet this bill paying stranger?

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Cassiopeia Hollow

“Amrita, I want to show you something.”

“Oh?  What’s that, Aarik?”

“Just come with me…  I went there yesterday and thought-- I have to being Amri here!”

“You did?  Well where--?”

“Just follow me.  I promise I won’t disappoint you."

Aarik grinned broadly and held out his arm, beckoning me to join him.  I twisted my lips up into a mock smug expression before giggling, tugging up my hood and clasping Aarik’s forearm.

“Okay then, lead me!”

Before long we were tip-toeing through a dimly lit cave.  As it opened up, I saw just what the light source was!

“Oh Aarik, this is amazing!”

“Aye…  I thought you might like it.”

“It’s simply prismatic!  These colors… wow…”

“Kind of neon, huh?”

“Indeed!  Oh!  Look at the lily pads!”

I scampered to the water’s edge to get a closer look, then darted over to what seemed to be some sort of glowing plant near the cave wall.  Oh how their divine inner-light shown for all to see.

“Just be careful of the Sea Hare, it’ll unleash a powerful attack if you get too close to it.”


“Yeah it just did to me…”

“I’ll watch out for it.”

I kept moving, curious what other wonders this place held, wanting to see more… And also hoping nothing spotted me.  I was so absorbed that I nearly walked into a wall!

“Nyaaa… Dead end!”

Silence.  Had I lost Aarik?


I held perfectly still and pricked up my ears.  Yes, in the distance, I could hear…  Very faintly…  The clanking of his armor.  Moments later, he jogged up to me, huffing and puffing.

“That guy, what a bastard!”

“What guy?”

I whipped out my wand, just in case.  Aarik chuckled as he leaned against the cave wall, adjusting his armor.
“The skeleton swordbearer, you didn’t see it?”

“No but… Don’t-  Move-“


“Bomb.  Behind you.”

And without further thought, I pulled Aarik toward me by grabbing the leather straps that crisscrossed his chest and teleported us back to town.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Ever-pure sister summons

Hari Om Sri Amritaji,
An inspiration struck my mind as I reposed and regained my strength here at our parent’s divine hermitage in the wilderness. The chorus of birds all over, the vibration of sacred chants echoing everywhere, the glistening waters of lakes and streams, the blooming flowers by the thousands, flittering butterflies in every direction, and myriad forms of life each going about their unique role in the divine play. What better place in the entire world to come and be filled with the divine energy of the Twelve! In the short time in which I came to visit you in Gridania I saw how easily all the constant happenings and vibrations of battle could chip away at ones inner connection to spiritual peace. So this is the thought that rebounded in my mind as I sat enjoying the inner silence of my mind, why not come and visit us dearest sister! I am not asking you to leave the divine path of service which you are walking down but merely extending to you an offer to recharge your spiritual reservoir of peace which is constantly taxed in the outside world. Please come!
Hari Om Tat Sat, Kaumari

Hari Om most beloved sister Sri Kaumariji,
Indeed my spiritual reservoir is running low. It is surely a blessing that you would realize such a thing and beckon me to visit the divine hermitage even though we are malms upon malms apart! Gridania is beautiful, but I can not deny the negative vibrations that battle can sometimes bring about. I do try to not let such things affect me, but surely they must be since you felt so compelled to summon me home. I most certainly miss you a great deal my beautiful sister! Mother and father as well, of course! What would this world be without divine mother? ^^; Oh I also must know how darling Sri Marjariji is doing!
I will come soon, sister <3 I miss you, ma'ma and father more then I dare express with words. But soon I shall visit and it will be hugs abound! <3
By the grace of Divine Mother go I.
Hari Om Tat Sat,

Impossible to Gauge Goobbue

One day, LS member Maus had talked to us about a Goobbue she saw while collecting shards from sheep.  Goobbue are known to be aggressive and she did have a run-in or two with it.  This spawned the question, could we fight it as a group? 
Soon after it was decided that, as a linkshell, we would come together and give it a try!
On the scheduled day, we gathered together at camp Bearded Rock, just outside Limsa.  Our leaders, D and Baby were there, as well as Gaia and of course Maus!  I was pretty excited, since this was our first real LS “event” that we had actually planned in advance.  Also, we were doing it purely for fun!  There was nothing material to gain.  Just some time spent together refining our battle technique and enjoying each-other’s company. >^.^<
After a short walk, we spied the Goobbue atop a hill in the distance.  I waived hello to it, honoring its purpose in this world, whatever that may be.

As the designated conjuror for the fight, I cast some protective spells on my friends before they raced off to engage the Goobbue.

We were not at all prepared for the ensuing beat-down!  The creature had a bevy of special moves, one of which absorbed Protect and Stoneskin off my comrades.  I scrambled to keep up with cures as well as using Sacrifice on them to try to keep them up, but in the end the Goobbue proved a formidable foe.

Time to call in the cavalry!  Daijin and Kyrie happened to pop into the linkshell and we asked them if they would assist.  

Moments later, we were all re-gathered at camp and plotting our next assault.
D was really sure we could beat it this time, he explained his plan and we set off, again.

Again the Goobbue bested us!  How could this be?!  Daijin and Kyrie were really experienced, but somehow this oddly proportioned creature beat us back with its nasty sneeze-attack, among others that I can’t recall, teehee.


We dusted ourselves off two or three more times before finally giving up.
As disappointing as that may seem, we still had fun!  And that’s what it’s really all about! >^.^<

Wood-sin or samskara?

I had been warned about woodsin when I first arrived in Gridania. I thought for sure I didn't have any, but I supposed I ought to participate in the purification rite. I did go to the trouble of learning the dance, after all. And I supposed it was possible that what they called wood-sin was actually my past samskaras. Not a bad idea to purge those.

Of course nothing is ever quite that easy… I had been asked to retrieve some Pearl Clover Fruits in the forest. This led to a little conversation with one of the Moogles about returning wildlings. While the Moogle was off trying to glean an answer to my question, I overheard the sound of an axe nearby. Normally I wouldn’t pay such sounds much mind but this… This sounded different. This sounded angry. I decided to investigate.
What I found was one of Gridania’s younglings laying into a tree with an axe. He wasn’t trying to harvest, he was trying to infuriate the wood! He began going on about how he knew elementals weren’t real. Before I could try to calm him down, the moogle returned with a message for me to deliver.
Knowing the importance of moogle messages, I returned to Gridania at once.
Apparently my reputation preceded me as I was now referred to as one who was beckoned by the forest. This caused me to be summoned to guilds all around Gridania.
While making my rounds word came about a major commotion in the forest. Immediately, I followed Brother O-App, who I had been speaking with, to the scene.

And what a sight it was… There in the clearing was the youngling I had seen earlier, but now the tree he had been hacking at was ablaze! I sensed this wouldn’t bode well for any of us. Just then, a spirit of the wood made itself angrily known. It seemed I had no other choice but to lay my hands upon it…
Despite what that youngling said, the elementals are very real.

I love you, but...

I was returning to the market wards to check on my retainer, Maneki, when the Guard there stopped me.

"Aye. Can I do something for you?"

"Oh no, no. It is I who has something for you."
With that I was handed a letter. I turned it over in my hands a few times as I examined it. “Amrita Prakriti – Gridania” was the only thing written on the outside. I nodded and thanked the guard before slipping inside the mender’s ward. Once inside, I settled myself down on one of the cushioned benches and read…

Dear blessed sister of immortal bliss Sri Amritaji,
I am glad this note found its way to your hands dearest sister. Let me first apologize for leaving without giving you a proper hug and kiss. I had to return home immediately and get back to my meditations. As you know, once I arrived in Gridania, I began feeling ill. While I am never an advocate of selfishness, I felt that it was okay this one time in order to preserve my peace and health for the greater good of continuing to serve others.
I can not be your source of strength among the adventurers, though I do hope the Twelve bless you with theirs always. Your strength is quite admirable already, for I have watched as you went out into the world and gave yourself to it. So you see you are quite blessed indeed. That, however, is not my path. I know you can do this without me. You are well aware we are forever bound in the oneness of the great cosmic radiance. Please take heart in that should you ever feel lonely.
Your beloved ever-pure sister Kaumari.

I folded the paper and pressed a curled finger to my eye to wipe away the tear that had begun to form there. She was right, we were bound, but her physical presence did always have a profound effect on me. I hadn’t realized just how much I missed her until she arrived… And now she was gone again. I looked up to staunch the tears that threatened only to feel a small knot in my throat. I closed my eyes to inhale and exhale deeply for a few breaths.
When I opened my eyes again, Aarik stood before me.

Amrita, something wrong?”

I opened my mouth to tell him, but the knot had re-formed and all I could do was nod a little and hold back tears.

What is it? Are you okay?”

Again, all I could do was shake my head yes… then no. With that he sat beside me and gingerly rested his arm about my shoulders, then gave me a little squeeze.

You don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to. I’ll sit here with you as long as you need... Uh I mean if you want. If you want I can leave you alone if that’s what you would prefer? Either is okay. You know… whatever you need. I’m here for you Am.”

Aarik nodded, satisfied with his rambling. It has caused me to grin a bit. How silly he is when he doesn’t quite know what to say. I cleared my throat and wiped my eyes and smiled up at him.

Thanks, Aarik…

Then I showed him the letter.

Kaumari left this for me… She went home. We’re not proper company for her…

What?! I’m sorry Amrita… What’s that supposed to mean, not proper company? I don’t recall being unkind to her at all… Nor you. What a mean thing to say…

Peace, Aarik. I’m upset she left this way, but at present our fate takes us down different paths. If I don’t accept that, I’ll just be miserable every day. I can always write to her or something. I… I would imagine she would reply. I would hope.”

I would hope that as well… You are her only sister after all.”


Well I mean it Am, I’m here for you. Whatever you need, you just tell me. I won’t abandon you.”
Again I smiled up at Aarik. He had such an intent look on his face, so serious while trying to be sweet. His brow mildly furrowed. His lips pressed firmly together, jaw tight, eyes unwavering.

Thank you, Aarik. I’ll not abandon you either.”

With that I leaned in and gave him a little hug before popping up off the bench to see if Maneki had been able to peddle my wares while I was away.