Saturday, May 14, 2011

Nectar of Immortality

I suppose it started when I found some of father’s discarded gear from when he used to be an adventurer.  I hunted him down with his weathered hora in hand to ask what it had been like.
Ever since I can remember, my parents, sister and I simply bedded down in the woods.  Such a peaceful and free life!  But as I grew up from girl to woman, I began to wonder what else there was.  What other wonders did this wide world hold?


Yes, Amrita?

I sheepishly held up the weathered hora for him to see.

Will you tell me about when you used to use these?

He sighed and gently took them from my hands and looked them over.  I watched emotions play across his face at the memories they stirred.

A long time ago, Amrita.

Please go on…

I don’t understand why your mother chose to keep such artifacts.  They bare no merit to our present way of life.  How did you come by these, anyway?  You have never before been one to rummage through things that don’t belong to you.

I…  I’m sorry papa.  I didn’t mean to…

He gently took my hand in his and smiled.

Shanti, shanti Amrita.  Please, tell me.  I am not cross, I just need to know.

Well…  It was as though something unseen pulled me to the old trunk.  I never cared what might be in it before, but today I couldn’t take my eyes off of it.  These were on top and…  I knew they were yours when I touched them.

Well I used to battle all manner of things with these.  I also used to have an animatronic assistant at times.  The magic’s of the warring world try to take the place of the twelve’s awe.  Many an enemy fell before me using these.  For that I am not proud.  But also, I met your mother because she needed my help.  And with these I was able to aid her for many years…  Until I chose to renounce those ways.  Eventually we both chose to in order to raise you and your sister in an environment more conducive to your spiritual development.  Which we felt was most important.

Was it exciting to adventure, papa?

It was, for a time.  But once we realized the futility of it all…   We laid down our arms for a life of seva.

I gulped, afraid to utter what was on my mind.

Papa I…  I think I should like to venture to Gridania someday soon.  If I may…

Why would you wish to do that, Amrita?

I think I could help more people that way.  And, if I may, I would like to take those with me…  Should I need to defend myself.

I indicated the pair of hora he was still holding.


I know it’s okay to do so…

My father sighed.

Well, after all, it is your karma you need to work through.  Have you spoken to your mother about this yet?

Not yet…  Will you come with me to talk to her?

Of course.

He smiled.  Though he was no longer a young man, when he smiled so lovingly the light in his eyes caused him to look like a spry man of but twenty years.
Mother was somewhat less understanding, at first.

You want to what?!  For how long?  A few days?

I don’t know…  Until it is right to come home?

You want to leave?  For good?

Aye mama, for good.  I want to do as much good as I can do for as many people as I can.

We do that here for all passer-by, love.

I feel like Menphina has laid this on my heart.  It isn’t like I listened to the tales of others and was lured away from you.

Father curled my mother in his strong arms and kissed her forehead.

I think we need to let her go.

Mother smiled and nuzzled her nose into his chest a moment before agreeing.

Amrita, I will mend some of our old clothing that we used to adventure in for you.  How does that sound?

I giggled.

Sounds great mama!  Where is Kaumari?  I can’t possibly go away from here without giving my beloved sister a great big kiss and hug! 

Well you know how she is…  She probably fell into samadhi somewhere again.

I shall go and find her then!

Your father can go.  I need you here to size up your new-old attire.

Very well then, I think I have an idea where Kaumari might be.  I’ll see if I can find some fruit for our lunch as well.

Oh perfect.  Perhaps you can hoist her into that grapefruit tree and see if any of the fruit is ready to fall.

Certainly, if there is none on the ground already.

With a joyful grin father left us alone.

Amrita, there is something very serious I have to warn you about.

I held my mother’s gaze and listened intently.

When you leave the security of our home, I can’t guarantee your safety.  Sometimes things in the wood get unsettled and attack people.  We’ve cultivated a collective energy that prevents that from happening to us.  Always be mindful and alert the further you go from us, okay?

I will mama.

And not every man is as kind and loving as your father.  Be careful of them, too!

Oh mama, there is no love greater than the love I receive from the twelve.

She smiled.  And just like father, the love in her eyes lit up her face such that she looked no older than I.

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