Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Ever-pure sister summons

Hari Om Sri Amritaji,
An inspiration struck my mind as I reposed and regained my strength here at our parent’s divine hermitage in the wilderness. The chorus of birds all over, the vibration of sacred chants echoing everywhere, the glistening waters of lakes and streams, the blooming flowers by the thousands, flittering butterflies in every direction, and myriad forms of life each going about their unique role in the divine play. What better place in the entire world to come and be filled with the divine energy of the Twelve! In the short time in which I came to visit you in Gridania I saw how easily all the constant happenings and vibrations of battle could chip away at ones inner connection to spiritual peace. So this is the thought that rebounded in my mind as I sat enjoying the inner silence of my mind, why not come and visit us dearest sister! I am not asking you to leave the divine path of service which you are walking down but merely extending to you an offer to recharge your spiritual reservoir of peace which is constantly taxed in the outside world. Please come!
Hari Om Tat Sat, Kaumari

Hari Om most beloved sister Sri Kaumariji,
Indeed my spiritual reservoir is running low. It is surely a blessing that you would realize such a thing and beckon me to visit the divine hermitage even though we are malms upon malms apart! Gridania is beautiful, but I can not deny the negative vibrations that battle can sometimes bring about. I do try to not let such things affect me, but surely they must be since you felt so compelled to summon me home. I most certainly miss you a great deal my beautiful sister! Mother and father as well, of course! What would this world be without divine mother? ^^; Oh I also must know how darling Sri Marjariji is doing!
I will come soon, sister <3 I miss you, ma'ma and father more then I dare express with words. But soon I shall visit and it will be hugs abound! <3
By the grace of Divine Mother go I.
Hari Om Tat Sat,

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