Sunday, May 15, 2011

City of the Wood

Gridania was nestled neatly in the great wood.   When I arrived one of the guards said that I still looked to be a bit rattled and that I ought to put in at the Adventurers’ guild, also known as Carline Canopy.  He was even kind enough to escort me there personally!  I thought that to be quite kind and was glad he did because there were A LOT of people running all around.  It was a bit overwhelming.
Once at the Carline Canopy a very tall Elezen with very crimson lips approached me.  I was very startled…  I eyed her from toe to head and she waived.

So you’re the adventurer I’ve been hearing so much about.  Name’s Miounne, or Mother Miounne as most call me.

I couldn’t help thinking that I already had a mother and she was nothing like this Miss Miounne.

And this Carline Canopy is my place.  We’ve got meat and mead, if you fancy it.  And we aim to help you adventurer types  here in Gridania when we can.  No doubt you’ve heard how peaceful it is here in Gridania, protected as we are on all sides by the Twelveswood.  Just don’t come crying to this Mother should you fail to live up to your expectations.  Gridania is like any other living thing.  She keeps her health by expelling foulness from within.  And I mean no disrespect, lass, but you are part of that foulness- an outsider.

I frowned…  An outsider?  Certainly I would admit to being an outsider to the city of Gridania, but not to the Twelveswood…

Surely you must have realized as much in the forest, no?  They say the wood’s fury was on you.

Oh… Aye, I suppose that tree chasing after me could be considered—

A moving tree?  You mean to tell me you escaped a treant?

I… I suppose so yes.  But I didn’t exactly.  It would have surely caught me up in its clutches if not for the moogles…

Ah so the moogles came along and saved your hide, did they?  Aye, you can always count on something extraordinary to happen when they show up.


Miss Miounne checked my map and gave me some more instructions as well as a linkpearl.  I certainly was not expecting this much excitement on my first day here.  I found a water fall to clean up in and bedded down inside the market ward for the night.

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