Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Prior to Quiet...

Part 1: "What was I doing?"

Before I was in Valhala Valkyries I was in a different linkshell. They were nice, but then one day… folks stopped coming around. The shell grew quiet. The only ones left were Aarik and I. But when people were around, it was a hoot!

<Kaumari Prakriti> hello ^^

<Leon Saucely> Hi

<Amrita Prakriti> sister! <3 <3 <3 <3

<Amrita Prakriti> /pounce /purrr /lick /huggle

<Kaumari Prakriti> nice to see you too :3

<Rosia Blackwater> SHES ALLIIIVEEEE

<Leon Saucely> Oh hey

<Amrita Prakriti> hi rosia ^^

<Rosia Blackwater> and have no memory what I was doing last :/

<Kaumari Prakriti> oh i know ^^ you were working for world peace!

<Leon Saucely> I don't remember what you were doing last either ._.

<Rosia Blackwater> well that... but.. why was I in Gradana? xD

<Leon Saucely> To say hi to me :D

<Kaumari Prakriti> to stop the killing of innocent forest animals ^^

<Rosia Blackwater> hahaha, yeah i suppose although I never really saw you :p

<Kaumari Prakriti> and protest the sale of clothes made from animal skin /nod

<Amrita Prakriti> to meet my sister?

<Rosia Blackwater> .... im a leather worker...

<Leon Saucely> I'm wearing full dodoskin body armor

<Amrita Prakriti> its okay! i'm here ^^

<Kaumari Prakriti> hmm but you only use synthetic materials to protest right? :o

<Amrita Prakriti> and being Amrita

<Rosia Blackwater> *cough*

<Amrita Prakriti> anything slain by my hands is actually unslain and lives forever

<Rosia Blackwater> I was here to buy a mask! :3 and play around with my retainer

<Kaumari Prakriti> ^^ yay sis!

<Leon Saucely> What kind of mask

<Amrita Prakriti> >^^<

<Rosia Blackwater> a willow mask?

<Kaumari Prakriti> oh hmm strange i still remember it different rosia :p

<Leon Saucely> I'll give you an oak mask for free :\ or a willow if you really really want one

<Rosia Blackwater> ouuu... really? :D Well i already bought a willow mask xD

<Leon Saucely> I am going to be making at least 500+ more :D

<Amrita Prakriti> ohhh <3 Leon is so nice <3 /purrs

<Leon Saucely> I try lol

Part 2: What are you?

<Rosia Blackwater> I must levelll

<Leon Saucely> level what

<Rosia Blackwater> oh right my priorty is to study...

<Leon Saucely> study and level at the same time!

<Rosia Blackwater> well id love to level my leatherworker…
ouuu leon you do realize your brillant right?

<Leon Saucely> Yes.

<Amrita Prakriti> but not so humble >.> :p teehee

<Leon Saucely> :)

<Rosia Blackwater> humble... does that mean hes a hottie? xD;

<Kaumari Prakriti> i think it means he is a bee

<Leon Saucely> If I were describing myself and someone else weren't lol

<Amrita Prakriti> well hmm~~ hottie status always is in the eyes of the beholder >^^<

<Kaumari Prakriti> they humble i think when they fly around

<Rosia Blackwater> hahaha like a humble bee!

<Reaven Leonhart> hottie ? you called ?

<Rosia Blackwater> hahahahahaha. Reaven.. dear reaven.. when my fists go out straight i bring you to my level : p Maybe even lower, Mr. Tall Lanky .. creature you

<Reaven Leonhart> riiiight

<Leon Saucely> What you should have said was, "Yes, I'm a sexy beast."

<Reaven Leonhart> erm ... leon ... if i did that i would be captain obvious

<Kaumari Prakriti> but if he is a beast whats the use of being sexy :/

<Rosia Blackwater> hahaha Hairy is attractive for some

<Leon Saucely> Hey I don't judge

<Rosia Blackwater> soft and furry kitties

<Amrita Prakriti> yes?

<Leon Saucely> yes? Oh wait… What's a roegadyn?

<Rosia Blackwater> haha

<Amrita Prakriti> XD ehehehe Leon, you're not a kitty

<Leon Saucely> I could be!

<Kaumari Prakriti> i think there is a distinction between beasts and kitties :o Atleast i hope there is ^^;

<Leon Saucely> They're practically the same thing!

<Amrita Prakriti> well i suppose were i small...

<Kaumari Prakriti> oh in that case... RAWR!

<Amrita Prakriti> like an aquatic marmot... and a kitty tried to eat me

<Leon Saucely> ._.

<Amrita Prakriti> i would perceive that kitty as a beast

<Kaumari Prakriti> oh very good , yes i concur /nod. So... but... i am or i am not a beast?

<Amrita Prakriti> but were i something larger then a kitty and encountered a kitty

<Reaven Leonhart> not

<Amrita Prakriti> then full of adorable cute <3

<Leon Saucely> So does that make me a kitty to peistes?

<Kaumari Prakriti> oh okay good ^^ if i say yes would it make you happy? :o

<Leon Saucely> No because now I'd know you were lying to make me feel better ; ;

<Rosia Blackwater> im such a trouble maker : p

<Kaumari Prakriti> oh okay... well um i think rosia told me she thinks the answer is yes /nod

<Leon Saucely> ._.

<Rosia Blackwater> and hairy

<Leon Saucely> Wait.. "Yes... and hairy." or "I'm such a trouble maker... and hairy."?

<Rosia Blackwater> hahaha ugh... well... im less hairy then the kitties

<Leon Saucely> Are you a lalafell

<Reaven Leonhart> are you saucely ?

<Rosia Blackwater> now got ya'll wondering

<Leon Saucely> No no no.. I think I figured you out. Definitely a lalafell name

<Rosia Blackwater> mm?

<Reaven Leonhart> shes a lizbo Hyur

<Rosia Blackwater> well.. I did say when my fist goes out it bring Reaven down xD

<Leon Saucely> Well what's reaven

<Kaumari Prakriti> a lalafell

<Leon Saucely> omg you're a little baby lalafell

<Rosia Blackwater> hahaha well if i was an lalafell, he sure could use a chin punch

<Reaven Leonhart> *thumbs up for kaumari*

<Kaumari Prakriti> i think she is a star marmot

<Amrita Prakriti> :p an aquatic one?

<Rosia Blackwater> awweee hahaha, im the best! ... and running from all the axes, fists, bows..

<Reaven Leonhart> *thumbs up for am*

<Kaumari Prakriti> so you can wear masks?

<Reaven Leonhart> o anyone need masks ? i have a lot

<Leon Saucely> Are they yew

<Kaumari Prakriti> a pretty maaask?

<Reaven Leonhart> yep makes you look like an owl

<Rosia Blackwater> ouuu

<Reaven Leonhart> no not yew -.-

<Kaumari Prakriti> is a cat crossed with an owl pretty? :o

<Amrita Prakriti> probably

<Reaven Leonhart> yea kau

<Leon Saucely> Well you'd have a really flexible neck

<Rosia Blackwater> creepy

<Kaumari Prakriti> well an owl mask sounds nice but i cant walk very far I'm sickly ; ;

Part 3: "Making a Chocobo"

<Rosia Blackwater> leon~~ whad do you need for an Dodo...fistweponthin

<Leon Saucely> Dodo fist weapon thingy!?

<Rosia Blackwater> yeahhh that..

<Reaven Leonhart> ros i told you only say that when were all alone !

<Rosia Blackwater> ohnos!

<Leon Saucely> Dodoskin Cesti?

<Rosia Blackwater> im sowwie.. if its a wepon.. yeah i think thats what it is xD

<Reaven Leonhart> yes

<Leon Saucely> Rank 21 leatherworker can make it

<Reaven Leonhart> yea i can make that. Guess who hqed an iron hauby today :O?

<Leon Saucely> Nice grats

<Rosia Blackwater> xD

<Kaumari Prakriti> oh im a crafty consumer you can sell them to me

<Reaven Leonhart> i bet you are

<Leon Saucely> Does anyone here use eagle feathers...

<Amrita Prakriti> not yet :/

<Rosia Blackwater> if i can make stuff from them id like to

<Kaumari Prakriti> im sure the eagles you got them from do :o

<Leon Saucely> Actually I get them from trees :D

<Kaumari Prakriti> oh yay ^^

<Leon Saucely> So maybe I'm hitting eagles when I try to hit the trees.. I guess... possibly

<Rosia Blackwater> hahaha soo tall you just pluck em from the trees

<Leon Saucely> Just grabbing eagles out of trees!

<Kaumari Prakriti> i have some animal glue maybe we could glue the the feathers back into eagles :D

<Rosia Blackwater> saw him do it ;) itrs rather amusing

<Reaven Leonhart> i don;t think the eagles would like that

<Leon Saucely> You don't even know who I am !!!!

<Rosia Blackwater> I think it be more fun to glue em onto Reaven

<Amrita Prakriti> LOL

<Leon Saucely> Let's tar and feather reaven

<Reaven Leonhart> haha pretty funny ros

<Amrita Prakriti> glue and featherrr teehee

<Rosia Blackwater> hahaha :D

<Leon Saucely> Can we pretend he's a chocobo and sell rides

<Rosia Blackwater> you told me you always wanted to fly xD

<Amrita Prakriti> lol

<Kaumari Prakriti> i think we found a good way to make gil!

<Rosia Blackwater> lmao @ leon, i like his idea better

<Amrita Prakriti> ohh put that onion helm on him and nobody would
ever know

<Leon Saucely> ahahaha

<Rosia Blackwater> legs are long enough xD

<Kaumari Prakriti> it sure would convince me :o

<Reaven Leonhart> you like feathery long guys ?

<Kaumari Prakriti> only if they are chocobos?

<Rosia Blackwater> if he give me free rides to towns i could get use to it

<Amrita Prakriti> <.<

<Rosia Blackwater> Piggy back rides..

<Amrita Prakriti> oh i like those >^^<

<Reaven Leonhart> oh i would piggy back you to the end of the world :Q_

<Amrita Prakriti> sisterrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

<Leon Saucely> Sounds like something a serial killer would say o.o

<Amrita Prakriti> >.>

<Rosia Blackwater> only mildly creepy..

<Leon Saucely> What

<Kaumari Prakriti> a piggy back ride to the end of the world sounds fatal :/

<Amrita Prakriti> om nama brahma....>.>

<Rosia Blackwater> lol @ kau

<Leon Saucely> What????

Part 4: Irrelevant!

<Rosia Blackwater> ugh autonomic Nervous system why are you so boring!

<Kaumari Prakriti> no no its intersting i think ^^

<Leon Saucely> I think I might actually go kill stuff on lancer..

<Rosia Blackwater> Kau, tutor me

<Kaumari Prakriti> are you studying teh brain and nervous system or what? :o

<Rosia Blackwater> well CNS-> Myology

<Leon Saucely> What's myology?

<Rosia Blackwater> Muscles and how they work/ made of

<Leon Saucely> Ahhh

<Rosia Blackwater> its a pain trying to remember all the sensory receptor names and things xD

<Kaumari Prakriti> okay let the tutoring begin.. step one of the nervous system is in the body and the body its.. its in the universe

<Rosia Blackwater> ...

<Kaumari Prakriti> and the really important thing to know is, the universe is sooooo big it makes humans and their nervous system irrelevant

<Amrita Prakriti> <3 you're sooo wise sister <3

<Rosia Blackwater> :D

<Kaumari Prakriti> so on the test you just write on the top of the paper in big print: IRRELEVANT

<Rosia Blackwater> 100% pass

<Leon Saucely> Just remember to put your name in the top

<Rosia Blackwater> wish you were marking my test Kau

<Kaumari Prakriti> oh right that too

<Rosia Blackwater> lol leon, id tottaly foget that one part

<Kaumari Prakriti> teacher: hmmm... irrelevant thats genius who wrote this paper? .......

<Wyleria Dragonsbane> hi

<Rosia Blackwater> Wyl~~

<Kaumari Prakriti> ello ^^

<Leon Saucely> Hello

<Wyleria Dragonsbane> hi Cousin Kaumari Hi Rosi :)

<Amrita Prakriti> wyle chan <3

<Wyleria Dragonsbane> Hi Amri

<Rosia Blackwater> Reaven my dear Chocobo~ might you like to grind with me?

<Leon Saucely> Wow limsa looks refreshing. First time I've been out of gridania in like a week+

<Rosia Blackwater> xD

<Wyleria Dragonsbane> ok be back in a bit, goign to eat diner

<Leon Saucely> See ya

<Kaumari Prakriti> you come and go so quick ; ;

<Amrita Prakriti> yeah seriously wyle ; ;

<Rosia Blackwater> yeah

<Amrita Prakriti> just like your father! >.> teehee

<Leon Saucely> ._.

<Rosia Blackwater> ...

<Leon Saucely> :D

<Amrita Prakriti> what? her father left her and her mom to fend for themselves ; ;

<Rosia Blackwater> well there ARE no men kitties

<Leon Saucely> Of course, sorry for the misunderstanding.

<Amrita Prakriti> there are somewhere…

Where though... not so sure :3

<Kaumari Prakriti> they all got neutered i think

<Amrita Prakriti> o.O

<Rosia Blackwater> mmeeeyawww

<Leon Saucely> I know where they are

<Rosia Blackwater> *spy on leon...*

<Leon Saucely> That's not very nice.

<Rosia Blackwater> not unless you have something to hide

<Leon Saucely> That's a bad excuse and you know it!

<Rosia Blackwater> :p

<Kaumari Prakriti> hmm i think your right sounds like he is hiding something

We never found out what Leon was hiding though…
>.>;; Could it be a stash of male Miqo’te? Furthermore… where are all the Chocobo’s!?

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