Monday, May 16, 2011

Mysterious Miasma

The first time Aarik took me to Mor Dhona it really made me feel uneasy. The moment we entered the area, a strange purple cloud seemed to envelop the entire region.

Aarik didn't seem to be disturbed by this in the least as he began to jog down the path.

Hey! We can get to Coerthas from here!

I wondered how he could be so brave in such a creepy place.

Aarik… Is there no sun here?

I don’t think this place has seen sun in a long time. Be careful, there are Airmen here. Those are known to have true-sight. Let’s steer clear.

I nodded and whispered okay as I stuck close to Aarik. After some time the purple shroud subsided. Eventually we reached a higher vantage point. In the distance, we spied a tower and what appeared to be a dragon grappling it. The dragon was perfectly still.

I stared in astonishment, was it alive? Aarik pushed on wanting a closer look and I followed close behind.
Eventually he stopped short, smelling the air and glancing around us.
What's wrong?
Nothing...  Am, go on ahead of me.  Straight up that way.
Uhm, okay...
Don't worry, I'll be right behind you.  I want to make sure nothing is following us.
After making it to the top of the summit, I realized that Aarik was no longer right behind me.

Somehow something caught up with Aarik and apparently knocked him out!  A just enough cause for us to have become seperated.

I tried to push my fear aside while waiting for him to make his way back to where I waited. When he got closer he called out to me.

Amrita! I’m nearly there. Are you okay?

Y- Yes… Ahhh Aarik… it’s… The purple miasma has returned.…

Demons are out… The demons come out when the fog comes out. Where are you?

Edge of this cliff thing…

Heading to Fogfens?

No, I didn’t move. Agnhhhh oh please hurry Aarik! This miasma is… It’s touching me!!!!!!

Truly the strange miasma seemed as though it was poking and prodding me. Trying to assess if I was friend or foe…  Sliding this way and that attempting to discern… Discern what? Did it mean to harm me? Could it? The skin on my arms and the back of my neck prickled. I couldn’t stand it! I put the coif I had brought on my head, crouched to the ground and held my knees close to my chest.
Finally Aarik found me.

Amri..? What’s wrong?!

Aarik… Please, can we go? This is making me feel violated or something! I’ve never encountered such a…

Of course we can go.
He reached out his hand to me and I grasped it firmly as I got to my feet.
Shortly thereafter the miasma miraculously dissipated.

Oh hey… That was quick. There’s the sun. It was just blocked by that fog. Look at that Amrita… Now we can see the tower more clearly.
I turned around and indeed, now that the purple haze was gone, the dragon tower made an even more striking etching against the grey-blue sky.

 Here are a couple more pictures of us running through the area.

And getting to some camp sites. :D
We even found a fishing hole! >^.^<

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