Sunday, May 15, 2011

When Trees Walk

The beauty of the wood was truly amazing.  Every path I tread seemed even more beautiful.  Not that where I had lived wasn’t amazing as well, but the further I went it just seemed different somehow.

Hear…  Feel…  Think…

Startled by the melodic voice, I stopped, pricked up my ears and looked around.  The words seemed to have come from all directions at once, but were but a whisper in my ears.  As I cast my eyes upward I saw a fiery explosion in the sky!  I looked away for a moment and then spied some contraption streaking a great plume of smoke high above the treetops.  Immediately I raced after it.  What could this be?!
Swirling in the air was a rainbow of flower petals as I approached the crash site.  It must have been pretty violent for that to have happened.  Then I saw two bodies in the clearing.   A chill ran up my spine as ran to see if they were even still alive.  Fortunately they were, because as I got to them the woman sat up.

Ugggh… My head…

Then the male sat up.

Where are we?  Near Gridania, you think?

I was too surprised to utter a word to either of them.  They were dressed in clothing I had never seen before and spoke with an accent I did not often hear.  It also seemed they paid me no mind.

Take a look around.  It’s obvious, isn’t it?  The quiet, the calm, the beautiful flowers.  There is only one place it could be!  The great beyond!  I do believe we’re dead, Papalymo.

Oh, Rhalgr take you and your great beyond! 

See?  Look, here’s a psychopomp come to guide us along.

Apparently they did see me standing there, looking just as confused as they were.

Nana, is that you?

I opened my mouth to answer her, but what should I say?  I didn’t want to upset her mind further by denying her.  She probably hit her head pretty hard during that fall.

And what would that make them?  Your dearly departed childhood pets come to play fetch?

I looked in the direction the Lalafel was indicating to see a pack of wolves who looked like they meant to harm us!  I drew in a breath and clasped my fingers around the hora.  I didn’t want to fight them but I knew I ought to defend these two.
We knocked out a few of the wolves, but that was only the beginning.  Suddenly the ground began to tremor. The wolves scattered.  What could be causing…  I couldn’t even finish my thought when from the dense shrubbery that surrounded us, emerged a huge tree.  A walking tree?!  Was this manifestation what mama had warned me about?
The monstrous tree snatched up two wolves and tossed them into its hulking mouth.  I heard a whine and a whimper and--  I had to look away.

We did the only sensible thing… RUN!
The tree gave chase and seemed to be catching up to us.  How could this be?!  Then it slammed one of its arm-limbs hard into the ground, sending us flying. Just when I thought I was done for I realized that I was suspended.  By what I knew not…  I found I could sort of look around and then--  Then I heard this strange… Music?  Symbols, flute, horn and--- My eyes went wide as I saw a moogle, no several of them, playing instruments.  I hadn’t seen a moogle since I was a very little girl!  They placated the tree with their strange tune and had somehow stopped us all.  Amazing!  As they fluttered by, the tree turned and began to follow them.
I came crashing to the ground after that.  As I sat shaking off what just happened I heard a new voice chanting.

O benevolent spirit, warden of arbor primeval, hearken unto me!

Whaa?  Was he referring to me?  No, it must be the wood…  That tree?  I looked around and saw a young man standing above us.  A radiant green glow emitted from his staff which he held before his face as he spoke. A lone moogle was fluttering behind him.  

Relinquish thy wrath and betake thee once more to thy vigil!

Once he was finished, he lowered the staff and said that the woods fury was quelled and that all was safe.  Then out of nowhere his… were they body guards?  These body guards dropped seemingly from the treetops to his side!  They all wore masks, which I found to be slightly creepy as I could not see their eyes.
The moogle came to investigate us and made a few off comments.  They seemed shocked we could even understand mooglespeak.  I found that odd… For I had known a moogle when I was a little girl and simply assumed everyone understood them.  The young man spoke to us again.

The elementals foretold your coming.  And that the fate of this forest would rest with you.  Come, we shall see you safely to Gridania.

I gulped and tingles prickled my skin all over.  The fate of this forest… rests with me or them or… the three of us?  I didn’t expect my calling to show itself so soon.  I quietly got to my feet and suddenly felt dizzy…  Then that voice, or was it?  What…  I looked about reciting Om Shanti Shanti Shanti to myself before following the troupe. 
Perhaps Kaumari was right.  Perhaps I left too soon…

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