Monday, May 16, 2011

Rep in Red

I was strolling through the beauty that is Gridania one morning when I saw THIS! O_o

A man nearby waved to Rep Jnglooes and then cheered him on.
I found the gleaming red attire to be quite shocking at first. The man who was waving and cheering poked me, then Rep. I glanced at the man and moved a step away, confused as to why I had received such a random poking.

Did you call him?

No…  I just was enjoying the scenery here in town.

He looks bad ass.

I giggled and observed the man in red more closely.

Indeed, I do like that pretty crimson red.

He is alive, he moves!

I wondered at this comment...  Of course he was alive if he was standing here before us. I waved to Rep and stood there smiling.

He might be JP though.

Oh? Then we should bow. That is the polite thing to do.

And with that, I bowed to Rep. The other man, Cygnus, chuckled at me.

I think he is fixing Teru.

Oh? How nice! >^.^<

Or getting him in trouble…

I didn’t think anyone could get into trouble yet. :/

Yeah, maybe botters. Man, I want to be a GM now!

If you were, then you would have to deal with all of us! Teehee~

Well, I have to go and train. See ya Amrita, and Rep Jnglooes.
Before he walked off, I offered that he join my linkshell. He asked the same of me, as well. ^.^

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